Youth Baseball and Softball Registration

Participant's Information

Please fill out one form per participant

Participation Fee (Includes Shirt, Hat, and Socks)

Note: We DO NOT play children up, age is NOT a factor, we go by grade only, please do not cheat your child’s grade, if it becomes apparent you have given us the incorrect information to get your child on an older team we will remove your child from the team and place them on the appropriate team with no refund for difference in team price.
*While I am willing to attempt to fulfill your requests to be placed with certain team mates please understand it is not always feasible. I will try my best with Pre-K though 2nd grade only, but no guarantees!

**All players 3rd-9th grade will be put through a fair and equal draft to create teams. **

Please Note: if your child’s team isn’t listed then the team is full, please email [email protected] to get put on the waiting list.

Parent/Guardian Information

**I understand there are risks or injury during recreational sport, I will not hold Genola Recreation, or the coaches, accountable for any injuries that may occur during my child’s participation in practices and games. **
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
We depend on volunteers to coach, would you be willing to volunteer your time and efforts to coach your child's team this season?(Required)
Please understand if we do not have enough volunteers you may receive a request to coach anyway.
We are always in search of sport officials and prefer to offer this job and learning opportunity to our local youth. Do you have, or know, a child 15+ who would be interested in an Umpire position for pay?(Required)
If yes please request a Recreational Job Application!
Fee disclosure: All fees are used for: uniforms, sport equipment and field upkeep. Examples: water, fuel for mowing and raking, costs for equipment repairs, chalk for lines, dirt for baseball diamonds, new equipment, etc. Fees fluctuate from year to year to accommodate rising or falling costs for the above necessities.